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How to Run to Lose Weight
If you want to lose weight, just run more, simple enough, right? We all know that running is an excellent way to burn excess calories, and since it doesn’t require any exercise equipment or even a gym membership it’s the perfect solution to weight loss. But how much do you really need to run to lose weight? That question is key, and probably the reason why most people end up quitting their running routine within only a week or two of starting it.

How much to run to lose weight
although, running is great for weight loss, it does take quite a bit of it in order to actually start seeing real results. For this reason, a combination of running and a balanced, low calorie, diet is recommended if you truly want to lose weight. But first lets answer the question; How much should you run to lose weight? Outlined in the table below is a guide to how many calories you need to burn in order to lose weight, and how long you would have to run in order to achieve that goal.
0.5 lbs | 1750 | 10 min/mile | 2.5 hours |
1 lbs | 3500 | 10 min/mile | 5 hours |
1.5 lbs | 5250 | 10 min/mile | 7.5 hours |
2 lbs | 7000 | 10 min/mile | 10 hours |
This chart is just an estimated average for a female of average weight (150-175 pounds) obviously it would differ a bit if you weigh more or less and if you run at a different speed; however, this is a pretty good idea of how long you would need to run in order to see actual weight loss results. You can see how difficult it would be to simply use running as a means to lose weight without dieting at all, but it is actually possible!
In order to see the best results from a weight loss plan, I always recommend a combination diet and exercise because you can lose a healthy amount of weight within a more manageable time frame. I mean, imagine having to run for 5 hours straight just to lose one pound… that’s just not going to work for most of us! So if you can choose a meal plans that closely reflects your weight loss goals and then add in a running/workout plan as well, you will be well on your way to a healthy and effective weight loss journey!
Also, you can always take advantage of my FREE 7-day meal plan already prepared and planned out for you below by simply dropping your email address and confirming you want access! 👇

How to stick to a weight loss running plan
One of the most important parts to losing weight by running, is creating a running plan, and actually stuck to it! You aren’t going to see much success if you simply run when you feel like it (let’s be honest, do we ever really feel like it 😆) so it’s important you come up with a plan and make it your goal to stick to it. You will also want to check out my post “A Guide to Finding Your Why” if you need a little kick in the butt to help get you motivated for weight loss!
Your running plan should be well thought out, organized and planned in a way that fits your current schedule, that way you’re setting yourself up for success instead of failure. The most common reason why people end up failing to keep up with a running routine is because they get too busy or “over-book” themselves in a sense.
Be mindful of your daily responsibilities and try to plan around them so that your time to run is never interrupted. I, myself, find it difficult to run at the exact same time of the day each day that I plan to run, so instead I just plan to run three days during the week (any time I can squeeze it into) and once during the weekends. Sometimes, I find more time to run and other weeks are just plain CRAZY and I run way less… but keeping an achievable goal of 3 times a week is what ultimately keeps me running plan on track!

Health benefits of running
Obviously if you’re reading this your main interest in running stems from your desire to lose some weightbut it’s important to note that running has many other benefits than just weight loss. Even after you lose the weight, you should still continue to run because it is so good for your body!
Physically, running is a great way to keep your heart strong and healthy by putting it to work and increasing blood circulation. As you should already know, the heart is actually a muscle, so naturally the more you use it, the stronger it gets, which is why running/jogging is such a great habit for heart health.
Mentally, running is the perfect way to combat anxiety and even depression. Did you ever wonder why after a long run you just feel like you’re in a better mood? That’s not just a coincidence. When you run, your body produces endorphins that can last hours after you finish your workout, creating a better mood and naturally combating feelings of depression and anxiety.

How to overcome running fatigue
Everyone knows that running is a healthy habit for weight loss (see these 6 other healthy habits for weight loss here) but what is it that stops most of us from doing it anyway? The obvious answer here is that it’s hard… and the thing that makes it hard is tired.
If we could learn how to better endure the fatigue that comes from long distance running, it would make running much easier and much more enjoyable. One way to do this is by learning how to breathe properly while you run. When running, you should always breath through your nose and your mouth at an equal balance so that you are allowing your body the most oxygen possible at a given time. You also want to be sure you are keeping a steady breathing pattern and not giving in to the temptation of panting or breathing at an irregular rate.
Another way to help reduce the amount of fatigue that you feel while running is by eating a good, healthy “runners diet” before going on long runs. A runners diet is basically a diet that is high in complex carbs and protein and low in fat. It’s also important to add high-quality foods vitamin D, calcium and potassium because these are the major three nutrients that runners need in order to maintain a healthy fluid balance.
Foods good for runners include:
Also check out these multi-vitamins designed specifically for runners, they include all of the major vitamins needed for long distance runners with additional amounts added that wouldn’t normally be included in a traditional multi-vitamin supplement.
If you’re not already lacin’ up your sneakers and stretching those legs, get to it! Running is clearly the way to go if you want to maintain a healthy body and mind, and now more than ever we need to make our health top priority.
See ya at the finish line!